
Dear CIMH Friends,

The Coalition for Immigrant Mental Health (CIMH) came into existence in response to a growing anti-refugee/immigrant political climate and policy changes affecting immigrant families, children and youth of all status.  We embrace community diversity, honor the human rights of all community members, and work toward social justice. We represent a diverse group of immigrants and many of us identify as members of brown and Black communities.  

We are outraged and horrified by the murder of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and countless others whose names have not been acknowledged within the long history of racial injustice and police brutality. This must stop.

Together, we stand in solidarity with the Black community and the Black Lives Matter movement.  Our hearts are heavy as we are keenly aware of the human suffering that continues, and the psychological and spiritual toll resulting from structural violence, systemic neglect, disregard, abuse, prejudice and racism.

CIMH aims to foster a society where all children, families, and communities are valued and provided with the resources they need to thrive. To that end, we join in support of our Black brothers and sisters, and their children, in any way we can during this restricted time of COVID-related social isolation and onward.

Below is a list of concrete ways we can help, and organizations to know and support.

Some Things We Can Do

·        Educate yourself, family and friends about racial injustice

·        Demonstrate your support by joining public and on-line protests against racism and police brutality

·        Make a donation to an organization of your choice (see the following list below)

·        Donate your time

·        Cultivate spaces for listening to Black voices and collective healing

Organizations to Know and Support

Please also consider donations to support Undocublack and The Conscious Kid.  For more resources and readings on uprooting whiteness, please see here.

In Solidarity,

The CIMH Leadership Team



Maria Ferrera